Lunge with Chest Press
Stand with one leg in front and the other parallel behind, bend both legs making sure that the knee doesn’t go over the toe and push out with your arms (hand either side of the Pilates ring) as you lunge down.

Tricep Press
Activate your abdominals by pulling them in and up, and drop your shoulders away from your ears. Hold the Pilates ring behind your back, with your elbows bent, and arms parallel.

Exercise: Use a pulsing motion to push the circle in and release it. Control both the inward push and the release. Try to keep your arms parallel and shoulders dropped. Feel the action in your upper back and triceps. Make sure your chest is open, and keep your ribcage from popping forward by engaging the abdominals. Keep the circle low at first. Only go as high as you can keep the arms parallel and the ribs dropped.

Abdominal Roll Back
This exercise targets the abdominals, inner thighs, hamstrings and spine. Start by lying on your back with the ring between the ankles and the legs straight up to the ceiling. Exhale to roll over until you are balanced between the shoulder blades and the legs are parallel to the floor behind you. Inhale to squeeze the ring and flex the feet. Exhale to roll with control back to the start position. Keep the head glued to the floor and the upper body relaxed throughout. Ensure you aren’t placing too much pressure through the head and neck

Inner Thigh Squeeze
This exercise targets the inner thighs, obliques and glutes. Start by lying on your side with a Pilates ring between the ankles and the arm outstretched with head relaxed. Exhale and press the top leg down. Inhale to release. Keep the movement slow and controlled. For a harder movement, reach the top arm to the ceiling

Bridge with Outer Ring
Start by laying on back and thread both feet through the Pilates ring. Place the pads above the knees on the outside of thighs. Bend knees, bring feet flat on floor, wider than hip-width distance apart, until knees and ankles are in line. Lift pelvis up to bridge position and press out on the ring until you feel your thighs activate. Continue pressing and releasing for one set then lower pelvis back down.

Bridge Squeezes
Start by laying on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor, hip-width distance apart. Place Pilates ring in between thighs, just above knees. Squeeze in on ring, so that knees and ankles are lined up. Lift pelvis up to bridge position.

Squeeze in on the ring, and then release the ring. Continue squeezing in and out to complete reps. Lower pelvis back down between sets.

Hamstring Press
Start on the mat on your back. The knees should be bent with the feet flat on the floor, hip distance apart. You may need a little help with this next part. Place one pad of the circle on the floor and the top pad under the right foot. The left foot stays on the floor in line with the Circle. Keep the spine and pelvis still and neutral as you work through the right leg. Inhale and press down on the Circle. Keep the spine and pelvis on the floor as you press in on the Circle. Exhale and slowly release. You can use slow presses, big presses, or quick small presses.

Rest on the Pilates ring in a seated position, with your legs folded together to the left side (like a mermaid!). With your other arm place it straight up in the air, grazing your ear.  Keeping your abdominals engaged, reach your right arm towards the ceiling, and then out and over to the left, making sure your arm stays straight. You should feel a stretch along the right side of your body. Repeat twice. For a counter-stretch, place your right hand on the mat, bending it slightly.  Lift your left arm up near your ear, and stretch to the right. Spin your legs around, and repeat on the opposite side.

Back Crunch
This exercise helps in building up and training the chest, shoulders and abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, then bend your legs and put your feet on the floor, holding the Pilates ring above your chest with your arms a little bit bent. Crunch up to curl your shoulders and upper back off the floor, bringing the Pilates ring towards your chest, also while squeezing the handles together. Go back to the start position and repeat the same.

Pectoral Press
Hold the circle with relaxed hands and raise to chest height. Bend your elbows. Exhale, press for a count of 4 with both hands together. Release, inhale for count of 4. Repeat 5 times, rest, then repeat 5 more times. Keep your spine is lengthened with shoulders and neck relaxed. Chest is open.