This circuit is designed to work the whole body, it is a mixture of strength and cardio which will help with muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance – great for fat burning! You can also add weights if you wanted to make your workout a bit more challenging – try dumbbells, resistance bands or kettlebells

Butt kicks – this exercise targets the legs
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be bent at your sides. Flex the right knee and kick your right heel up toward your glutes. Bring the right foot back down. As the right leg comes down, flex your left knee and kick your left foot up toward your glutes. Swing your arms as if you were jogging.

Punches – this exercise targets your arms and core
Stand with your feet hip width apart, your knees slightly bent and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Take a step forward with your left food at a 45 degree angle and position your body partially sideways. Bring your arms up, so that the palms of the hands are facing the sides of the face
Switch sides and repeat

Mountain climbers – This targets your legs, arms and your core. Start by positioning yourself as you would with a plank position. Get down on the floor on your hands and knees. Pull one knee up and in toward your midsection. Lift one foot and begin bending the knee as you pull it up between the front of your body and the floor. Repeat the action with your other knee.
Alternatively you can stand and bring your knees up one at a time with your arms in the air with a climbing motion.

Jumping jacks – This works your core, arms and legs. Stand tall with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Quickly raise your arms above your head while jumping your feet out to the sides. Immediately reverse the movement to jump back to the standing position.

Squat jumps – Targets your quads, glutes and core
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.

Jumping lunges – targets quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves and core.
With your core engaged, push off the bottom of both feet into a jump, switching the position of your feet in midair, landing in a basic lunge with your right leg in front.

Without rest, repeat this movement alternating which leg is in front. To prevent injury, make sure your back leg is bent directly underneath your body and your front leg is bent at 90 degrees at the knee and hip.

Jump and twist – Works your obliques, abs, lower back and calves
Stand with your feet together, bring your arms to should height and touch your hands together in front of you.
Keep your upper body facing forward the whole time.
Jump up 3-4 inches off the ground and rotate your feet to the right.
As soon as you land jump up again and rotate your feet to the left this time. Alternate back and forth.

Bicep curl with side step
This exercise targets your arms. Start by holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides (or without), palms facing forward, and keep your back straight and chest up. Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the weights toward your shoulders. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position, straightening your arms completely – practice this first and then you can add a side step to the right and to the left.

Chest press with step back
This exercise targets your back, chest and arms! Push your arms forward and step back with alternate legs and bring your arms in and out.

Lateral and front raises
This targets your shoulders and arms. Start by raising your arms out to the side and then bring both arms forward up to eye level and repeat. Don’t go beyond shoulder height.

For support with your exercise programme, call one of our gym team and have a free trial in our ladies-only gym.  Call today on 01778 423923